We have lots of fun things to share with you this month!
First up, is this perfume box that Barbara brought in. The box is on the left (love the metallics!) and the sleeve on the right went over the box. We couldn't quite figure out why it was designed this way; the sleeve is shorter than the box and when in place it does not look right. Perhaps they wanted to redesign the box but took a cost-effective way out by doing a sleeve only? The two are completely different designs, but promote the same product. Which do you prefer? |
Chava picked up this unique bottle of wine, which we all agreed looks more like a bottle of Worcestershire Sauce. However, we'd recommend you drink it with your steak rather than putting it on your steak. |
Cyndi went to the Alternative Press Expo (aka APE) and brought back this toy. The box is printed with his "story," very cute! |
Marit found this book of Aesop's fables written entirely in Goudy. The stories themselves are even illustrated with type. Very clever. |
Barbara took notice that this razor packaging was unique. The plastic peels away to reveal the razors, rather than pulling apart plastic from cardboard. |
Chava brought in the packaging from his Kid Robot Swatch watch. The box and booklet were printed with some beautiful varnishes, and how could you resist the mustache-bunny creature thing? |
Stay tuned for November's what's up. Have you seen any unique packaging while out shopping or cleaning out your attic? Share it with us at
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