Wednesday, August 31, 2011

BIG goes BTS!

Wow, summer is already over! For some staff members, today was the first day of school for their children. It got us to talking and reminiscing about our school days. Take part in our trip down memory lane:

Cyndi packed her PB&J in a plastic pink lunchbox with Smurfette on it. If anyone is looking for something to get her for her birthday next're welcome.

John's favorite year of school was his Senior year. He enjoyed the social aspects and the lighter schedule that came with it. Hope he enjoyed that light schedule while he had it, because we all know it's not that way now!

Ed remembers his lunchbox fondly, in fact he even found a photo of it. Looks like someone changed career paths on us...

Chava admits that he liked the new school uniform each year. That MIGHT just explain why he is so adventurous when it comes to footwear. (notice his orange kicks in the photo) We often joke about giving him with the task of wearing a different pair of shoes every day and are pretty sure he could finish off 2011 without wearing the same pair twice...

Barbara loved school supplies, especially pencils and erasers that had fruity smells. Coincidentally, her first lunchbox had Strawberry Shortcake on it.

Jason's favorite part of the beginning of the school year was  shopping for new clothes and school supplies.  He didn't admit it, but we're pretty sure he was sporting a Trapper Keeper and some slap bracelets.

Marit loved getting a new box of Crayolas at the start of each year, despite her mom's frugal efforts to reuse the year before. C'mon, there's nothing like a fresh box of pointy crayons, not to mention it was fun to seek out the new colors in each box!

Because all this reminiscing brought out our inner child, we had to do an outtake of our photo. Happy Wednesday everyone, the long holiday weekend is almost near!

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